Surprises Happen When You Get Out There

When I was a kid, I was a very picky eater. I didn’t like many foods, and I certainly wasn’t open to trying anything new. My parents literally had to sit on me to get me to try mashed potatoes. Since they had tried and enjoyed it many times, they knew what I was missing out on. However, I resisted mashed potatoes for many years, until I ended up trying them one day and loving them!

My aunt used to live in Ocean City, New Jersey. I have been blessed to grow up going there every summer until this year. She had sold her house in February without saying a word until the deed was done. My time there was like a necklace, with beads being added on for each memory I had. When the house was sold, I felt like the necklace was finished. It was bound to be finished eventually, and it is filled with beautiful memories. However, I can no longer add to them, at least not in the same way as previous years.

Usually, we house sat for her when she and my uncle were in Maine, in their other home. They had been trying to get us to go to Maine for years, and my family and I resisted. When we thought of Maine, we thought of a glorified Pennsylvania. We preferred the Jersey shore, going on rides on the boardwalk, and shopping in downtown OCNJ. We preferred familiarity and memories to a new and unknown experience.

It’s surprising how many people I have run into that have gone to Maine. Pretty much everybody I have talked to has been there at least once, and unanimously, they say how great it is. We were going to visit Maine with an open mind, but in the back of our heads (or at least mine), we were like my younger self not wanting to try mashed potatoes, even though I had no idea what I was missing out on.

Needless to say, we went on the trip and ended up having a great time! It was certainly different from what we were used to, but it was a new kind of vacation, and a nice one. We went on hikes, long walks, saw different attractions, ate at wonderful places, and saw many beautiful views. Most of all, we got to spend the week with our extended family. I can say that the vacation was unforgettable.

Has anyone ever told you that you absolutely need to visit a place, but you give every excuse not to? Try giving it a chance, even if you feel like it is way out of your realm of comfort. You may end up enjoying it!